2nd Future Frontier Fes by FINOLAB(4F)is scheduled to be held on Feb. 22 to 26, 2021, following the success of 1st event in 2020.
“4F” is an annual event for various stakeholders of financial innovation to gather and discuss their future action.
As we came to recognize the “Vulnerability” of the entire society because of the COVID 19, we have set the “RESILIENCE” as the main theme of 4F this year to discuss response of financial service using digital technology.
We look forward to your online participation.
Title : 4F 2021 -RESILIENCE-
Venue : Online
Date and Time: February 22,24,25,26, 2021, 6:00PM – 8:00PM
Host : FINOLAB Inc.
Contents : JFIA Award ceremony / FINOPITCH / Presentation / Panel Discussion / Workshop
Language : Day1 and Day4 : English / Day2 and Day3:Japanese
Admission : Free
TIMETABLE (in Japan time)
DAY1 : FINOPITCH Day | February 22
・Startup Pitch
DAY2 : FinTech Transformation Day | February 24
・Presentation / Panel Discussion
DAY3 : Future Technology Day |February 25
・Presentation / Panel Discussion
DAY4 : FINOLAB Award Day | February 26
・JFIA & FINOPITCH Award Ceremony / Keynote Presentation
The plans are subject to change.