※FINOPITCH2023 finalists selected!

Future Frontier Fes by FINOLAB(4F)—RECONNET—
4th Future Frontier Fes by FINOLAB (4F) is scheduled to be held at the venue and online. The first three days from Mar. 6th to 8th will be held online, and Mar. 10th, the last day of the event, will be held at the venue (a hybrid day).
4F launched in 2020 with the aim of revitalizing the financial industry. This year’s theme is ❝RECONNECT❞.
After three years of reduced opportunities to meet face-to-face due to the pandemic, the world has finally seen the return of activities that allow people to see each other face-to-face. We put a wish in the word ❝RECONNECT❞ to connect with people again through activities that bring people togather.
The first three days from Mar. 6th to 8th will be held online. We will broadcast keynote speeches, presentations and panel discussions. On Mar. 10th, the last day of 4F, JFIA Award Ceremony, FINOPITCH and various lectures will be held at the venue. After FINOPITCH, we also have a social gathering for participants only.
We are looking forwrd to your participation. If you purchase a venue ticket, you can also watch the delivery from Mar. 6th to 8th.
※Please click here to check the scenes of 4F from last year.
4F (Future Frontier Fes by FINOLAB) 2023—RECONNECT—
Date and Time
March 6th to 8th 18:00–20:30(JST) : Online
March 10th 10:00–20:00(JST) : Hybrid
(18:00–20:00 social gathering for participants only)
※Day4 on Mar.9th will be a closed event.
Organizer/Supported by
JFIA Award Ceremony/FINOPITCH/Presentation/Panel Discussion
Day1 to Day3: Japanese/Day5: Japanese (JFIA) & English (FINOPITCH)

※Venue ticket holders can also watch online

◆Venue ◆
※The venue is on the third floor. Please click here to check more details about the venue.
DAY1: 18:00–20:30 [Online Stream]
DAY2: 18:00–20:30 [Online Stream]
DAY3: 18:00–20:30 [Online Stream]
DAY5: 10:00–18:00 [Hybrid] JFIA Award Ceremony, FINOPICH, Keynote Speech
18:00–20:00 Social Gaghering for participants ONLY!
※This program is subject to change.
coming soon!
※FINOPITCH2023 finalists selected!
<From Japan>
Alyawmu Co., Ltd. : https://alyawmu.com/
Bee Informatica Inc,Co.: http://entrebition.com.my/
Condominium asset management Ltd.: https://investment.mogecheck.jp/p-score
GFIT Inc.: https://www.tradom.jp
Great Value Co., Ltd.: https://www.greval.co.jp/gvhero
Impact Circle, Inc.: https://impact-circle.co.jp/
Kiva Corp: https://hi.helloproteger.com/
LUCA Japan Co., Ltd.: https://luca.inc
<from Outside of Japan>
Artificient Mobility Intelligence (Germany): https://artificient.de
barq finance (Switzerland):( In preparation for release)
Brokerware (Uruguay): http://www.brokerware.com.uy/
CARDO Inc. (Republic of Korea): https://console.cardovault.com
Firstcard, Inc. (USA): https://www.firstcard.app/
Funble Inc. (Republic of Korea): https://www.funble.kr/
Giraffe AI Labs PTE (Singapore): https://www.giraffe-ai.com/
Inovat (United Kingdom): https://inovat.tax
LOGI CHAIN (Republic of Korea): http://logichain.kr/
ORDA Wealth Tech (Mongolia): https://orda.mn/
PT Mitra Era Teknologi (Indonesia): https://momofin.com/
◆Privacy Policy◆
Registration information will be managed according to Peatix Inc.’s Privacy Policy. This registration information will be provided to a third party to FINOLAB Inc. The privacy policy of FINOLAB Inc. is here.
Please be aware that this online event will be open to the press and some photography and videos taken will be on our website.
By registering for this event I agree to receive email communications from FINOLAB.