Entry is closed. Thank you very much for many entries.

4th Future Frontier Fes by FINOLAB(4F)is scheduled on March 10, 2023, following the success of 2020-2022.

Please click here to check the scenes of the event so far.

FinTech Startup Pitch Contest,” FINOPITCH” will be held during the event. FINOPITCH was launched in 2021 to showcase startup innovations and business models and to expand opportunities for domestic and international to markets. It took over the legacy of “FIBC” that made the history of financial innovation in Japan since 2012 and enhanced with our experiences of managing FINOLAB.

More than 170 startups from Japan and overseas, including companies such as AI inside, ConsenSys, Finatext holdings, FOLIO, freee, Hottlink, Kyash, Loadstar Capital, Money Forward, Moneytree, Paidy, Revolut and Zuu, have participated the contest so far since the days of ” FIBC”.

FIBC&FINOPITCH 10th Anniversary Movie  https://youtu.be/zNwzpY0XUAM
FINOPITCH 2022  https://4f-otmcbldg.tokyo/
FINOPITCH 2021  https://4f-otmcbldg.tokyo/2021-en/
FIBC (before2019)  https://4f-otmcbldg.tokyo/fibc/

FinTech startups around the world, we are looking forward to your application.

Application deadline : Jan. 10th,2023(Tue)
Finalist Announcement : Feb. 1st,2023(Wed)
Sending the event details : By mid-Feb in 2023
FINOPITCH / Award Ceremony : Mar. 10th,2023(Fri)

※1on1meetings will be scheduled on March 9th and 10th in 2023.
※The event organizer will contact you if an online interview is required.
※Venue of the pitch on Mar. 10 will be in the central part of Tokyo.

Application Requirements
– Must be a FinTech startup.
– Must have products/services available for demonstration.
– Must agree to the contents of the entry form.
– In principle, the Finalist are asked to pitch on site in Tokyo on Mar. 10, 2023. But depending on the travel situation, we may discuss for the alternative presentation method.

<Entry within Japan>
– The startup company should be founded within the past 5 years and the service should be released within the past 2 years.
<Entry from outside of Japan>
– The startup company should be founded within the past 7 years and the service should be released within the past 3 years, with the aspiration to enter Japan market.

Pitch Format
Up to 7 minutes presentation and demonstration in English, including video broadcasts

Impact | Impact on the Financial Industry
Creativity | Innovative Business Model
Growth | Business Growth Potential
Expansion | Global Market Expansion

Grand Prize / Audience Awards / Supporter Awards

If you have any questions, please contact us at this e-mail below.

Protection of Personal Information
– All the personal information will be protected with our privacy policy